Kobayashi Shorin ryu Karate Do

Kobayashi shorin ryu karate do, the young pine forest’s karate, is one of the most authentic systems of karate. Its the natural offspring of Suri-te. In its transfer to mainland Japan in the early 1920's, we can say it was the foundation for the development of the most modern Japanese systems, such as Shotokan and Wado Ryu. Shorin ryu and Goju ryu are considered to be the two most popular karate systems of Okinawa.

They consist what we call today Okinawa’s karate. They are based on Chinese systems in combination with the fighting techniques of the inhabitants of the Ryu Kyu islands.

The fighting technique which was developed from the masters of shorin ryu includes warm up exersises, basic techniques (kihon waza), kata, prearranged fighting drills (gyakusoku kumite) and free sparring (jiyu kumite). The characteristic of Shorin ryu karate is the swift, fast techniques based on the strategy of evasion and in the same time attacking to sensitive spots of the body with multiple hits. The system is ideal for people who seek spiritual and physical fulfillment through an old fighting art which simultaneously is a perfect form of self-defense.

Kobayashi shorin ryu karate do genealogy begun the 19th century with master "Bushi" Matsumura (1805-1893), master "Anko" Itosu (1832-1925), and became a individual karate style from master Chosin Chibana (1885-1969).
Today (2010), Grand Master Shugoro Nakazato (1919- ) is the worldwide leader of this karate system, though the chief instructor in US is master Tadashi Yamashita (1942- ).