Patras dojo

The Suibukan Patras dojo created by students of the first Suibukan club at the University of Patras in 1994 with instructor sensei Agathi Sarandi (2 dan, personal student of the Head of the Organization in Europe kyoshi Babis Polychronopoulos (7 dan).

After some accommodation in various places, he found his own path to the roof of University 102 street, Lower Sihaina (northern suburb of Patras)
which housed more than 3.5 years. Since late 1998, the dojo moved into a guest room of the Stadium "TOFALOS" where it remains today.

It attracts a large number of people of all ages who recognize the internal challenge for a multidisciplinary training through martial arts while giving into the individual and the society in which it operates.

The students of the Suibukan Patras dojo are taught by accredited instructors of Shorin ryu karate do, Matayoshi kobudo and Suikendo.

Since 1998 the chief instructor is sensei Katselis George (4 DAN), a personal student of Agathi Sarandi.

Dojo instructor

Sensei George Katselis is a student of kyoshi Polichronopoulos. Holder of 5 dan in Kobayashi Shorin Ryu Karate do and 5 dan in Matayoshi Kobudo. With years experience in martial arts he is the head instructor of the Patras dojo and Suibukan club of the University of Patras.

Training continuously taking part regularly in seminars of kyoshi Polichronopoulos as well as with master Yamashita.