sensei Manolas

1 Dan

Sensei Vasilis Manolas is a student of shihan Velissariou and sempai at the A.u.Th club of Suibukan.
He has started practicing martial arts at the dojo of Thessaloniki in March, 2006. He has attended most of the seminars of hanshi Yamashita and kyoshi Polychronopoulos, in Greece. He has been a sempai at the dojo of Toumpa, Thessaloniki since 2007 and sempai at the A.u.Th club of Suibukan since 2008.

Today, he holds the 1st Dan in Kobayashi Shorin Ryu and the 2nd Kyu in Matayoshi Kobudo.

He is a pregraduate student of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the polytechnic school of A.u.Th.